Wednesday, June 28th, 2017
We're very happy to announce that RebusFarm now supports GPU Rendering!
We provide 128 brand-new Geforce 1 080 Ti for your GPU render jobs. Your render job will experience the power of a cumulated OctaneBench score of 26 259!
We are currently running on beta and during beta phase, you will get an automatic discount of 50% on all your GPU renderings. Just submit your project, our system will only charge half of the RenderPoints. This corresponds to a price of only 0.45 cent / OctaneBench hour.
RebusFarm now supports:
- V-Ray RT for 3ds Max, Maya
- Redshift for 3ds Max, Maya
- Iray for 3ds Max , Maya, Cinema4D
- Cycles for Blender
- Maxwell Standalone for GPU
We'd like to get your feedback on how you experience our new GPU solution. Please write your feedback to Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..
Happy rendering!