D95 Design has released Auto Light, a script for 3DS Max that offers several tools to automate the placement of lights in a scene.
A tool for quickly adding and placing lights in the scene with many automatic tools.
It is especially suitable in the design work of interior lighting – architecture as well as other complex lighting; and will definitely help you save a lot of time when adding lights in 3DS Max!
You can use the script’s automatic lighting features, or set it up manually and use the light profiles as you like. The setting panel of the script contains most of the basic parameters of the lights suitable for both Vray and Corona lights. More light classes will be supported in the future.
Note that some function in the script is designed specifically for the millimeters in the metric system. If you use other system unit scale types, some scaling problems may occur.
Check the video now!
D95 Design is a 3DS Max tools developer.