Colourlab has released Look Designer 2.6, the latest version of its powerful plugin for emulating the look of analog film inside software including DaVinci Resolve and After Effects.
What's new in Look Designer 2.6: new Crunch control, Cinetone, and Photone profiles.
In addition to that Look Designer 2.6 adds a Crunch control, a new interactive control “emulating [the] high-contrast behavior of [the] film print process”, and new negative, print stock, and camera profiles.
The complete changelog list is as follows:
Cinetone Profiles
A new category of negative profiles designed and used by the iconic Hollywood post studio.
Phototone Profiles
A new category of film emulation profiles inspired by Fujifilm street-style photography, now available for every digital camera.
Kodak 2398 MPF
A unique lab-designed film stock profile.
Arri C4 Support
Fully integrated Arri 35 pipeline.
Sony Venice Support
Advanced tonal and gamut mapping adapted to a new firmware update of this camera.
New ACEScct 709 ODT
Matching the output of an ACEScct color pipeline.
To find out more, be sure to check the video below!
Colourlab was founded to serve the rising needs for color management solutions in the graphic arts industry.